This has got to be one of the best fighters that have ever existed, topped only by Tekken 5 or Soul Calibur (also by Namco). My personal favourite is Lei Wulong, for all the 5 forms he has. There isn't really a best character, because Every character can defeat and be defeated by any other, again, why I favour this game. By playing with your friend, you'll probably learn a new move, unless you've already mastered all of the 100+ moves your character has. You can't really spam one move and win (which is why I find it hundreds of times better than other fighter games), there's a lot of combo potential. The models look great, especially for a PS1 game, the environments are rich and diverse. The cutscenes were an unforgettable touch. There are many game modes, all equal in the fun they provide. I find this game much more suited for multiplayer, butthe single player game is great, the bots are fair, and there's a ton to unlock. Whenever me and my best buddy are feeling competitive, we turn on the good old PS2, and play Tekken 3 for hours, constantly filled with adrenaline.